Episode #148: Happiness - An Inside Job

In this episode we cover:

- Identifying what makes you happy

- Pinpointing the things, places and people that bring you joy

- Being honest with yourself and others

- Being adaptable to new environments and situations

- Making sure to make time to rest especially before bedtime

- Clearing any blocks that are preventing you from feeling your power

- Defining the weaknesses that you would like to turn into strengths

- Releasing the need to be clinging and for things to be difficult

- Finding a form of movement that you enjoy

- Letting go of the feeling of abandonment

- Knowing your limits and when to stop

- Imagining a new and even better future

- Choosing faith over fear

- Allowing things to be easy

- Feeling that we're being guided and that you're provided for

- Being able to follow through

- Having compassion for not only others but for ourselves

Affirmations for this episode

- It's safe to be happy

- I no longer fear that people will see the real me

- I value honesty

- I breathe life deeply in, nourishing my brain and body with increased circulation and oxygen supply

- Moving into new environments, I allow my new life to emerge

- I respect my need for rest and prepare ahead of time to slow down for the rest of the day, to allow my brain to settle and take it's full rest. My comforting and soothing bedtime ritual facilitates this transition to the process of rest and repair

- I am peaceful and balanced while wielding my power

- I'm worthy of love, kindness and respect regardless of what I have done, or haven't done

- I'm able to see past my weaknesses and allow them to become my strengths

- I forgive myself

- I effortlessly bring joy back to the centre of my heart

- It is easy to stay in the present moment

- I'm lighthearted

- I am choosing faith over fear

- I have faith in a divine plan and let go of the need to be in control

- My mind is stable and balanced

- My mind is beautiful

- My mind listens to my body and is able to decode it's messages easily

- Details are easily taken care of whilst seeing the big picture

- I easily forgive and forget past offences while keeping healthy boundaries

- I'm ok without suffering

- I am courageous and mindfully moving forward

- I feel confident to share my true thoughts and feelings

- I keep myself safe

- I am secure

- I am a great parent

- I easily focus and follow through

- I am provided for

- My community support me in all that I do

- I am compassionate

- I'm happy on the inside

- I allow myself happiness and peace and joy

- I choose to align myself with the prosperous power of the universe



Tanya Ormsby