Episode #176: A Good Laugh Heals A Lot of Hurts

Have you ever found humor in the most unexpected places, like a furry pancake or a witty birthday card that just keeps on giving? That's what we're here to talk about – the hidden strength in humor that helps us sail through life's unpredictable seas.
Tune in for unique insights on resilience and the magic of laughter, sharing stories that remind us why laughing is not just good for the soul but essential for our overall well-being.

This episode isn't just about the giggles; it's a deep dive into the spiritual side of our laughter journey. It's a blend of light-hearted tales and serious reflection on balancing fun with our spiritual quests while releasing mental burdens.

Join us as we find the lightness in life's twists and turns, armed with the best tool we have – our sense of humor.



Tanya Ormsby